We hold events throughout the year, from willow-weaving workshops to wildflower identification courses. Two events have been held every year, a 'fungus foray' in October and the 'New Year Plant Hunt' in early January.

For further information and bookings


or call on 01263 711091

Wildlife & Gardens Walks

A gentle stroll around the gardens and reserve, guided by Simon Harrap, taking in the garden highlights and looking for birds, bees, butterflies and other wildlife. 11am for around 1½ hours. £5 plus entry to the gardens. No need to book. Not suitable for young children.

Emperor Dragonfly

Wednesday 9th April
Wednesday 16th April
Monday 5th May
(Bank Holiday)

Wednesday 28th May
Wednesday 4th June
Wednesday 25th June

Wednesday 2nd July
Wednesday 30 July
Wednesday 13th August

Wednesday 27th August
Wednesday 10th September
Wednesday 17th September

Charcoal burner

Midsummer Charcoal Burn and Guided Walk

Friday 20th June
We use much of the small wood from managing our trees to make charcoal. Come along and see how we do it – our staff and volunteers will be on hand to explain the process. The kiln will be lit at 10am and then burn all day until early evening. Normal entry charges apply.
There will be an early-evening guided walk in the gardens and reserve as we wait for the burn to finish, £5 per person.

Early Evening walk for wildlife

Wednesday 27th August
A rare chance to visit our gardens and reserve at the end of the day when all is quiet, taking in the garden highlights and looking for birds, bees, butterflies and other wildlife.
5.30pm start. £5 plus entry to the gardens. Booking essential.

Roesel's Bush-Cricket


Workshops run 10.30am–2pm. Cost £30, including refreshments. Numbers limited – booking essential.

Wild flowers through the Seasons

Based at Natural Surroundings and led by Simon Harrap. A series of five wildflower identification workshops focussing on plants in flower at different times of the year. Each workshop is 'stand-alone', but why not book them all?

Saturday 26th April
Saturday 31st May
Saturday 5th July
Saturday 2nd August
Saturday 13th September

Townhall Clock
Club Sedge

Flower Photography

Saturday 10th May
Simon Harrap has illustrated several books on wild flowers. Bring along your camera and Simon will help you to get the best flower images. Based in our gardens and reserve.

Plants and their Pollinators

Wednesday 18 June
Our gardens are full of pollinator-friendly plants. Discover more about the intimate and fascinating relationships between pollinators and plants and the best choices for your garden.

Wool Carder Bee on Downy Woundwort
Broad Buckler Fern

Ferns and Horsetails

Saturday 6th September
Join Simon Harrap for an in-depth look at these fascinating plants. We have a good variety of ferns and horsetails, both wild and cultivated, in the gardens and grounds.

Glaven Valley Walks

Guided walks with Simon Harrap. The River Glaven rises near Baconsthorpe and flows to the sea at Cley. In this series of walks Simon will take you to one of a variety of venues along the valley in search of wild flowers and other wildlife. 10.30am to around 1pm. £15 per person. Booking essential.

Saturday 12th April
Thursday 22nd May
Saturday 16th August
Saturday 25th October

Changing Forget-me-not